Compare commits


No commits in common. "e7f7f3e321450f1b3fb37bb958f31b4203ab192b" and "8bb636c517dad0eb3470e115715cd0d85f9ecde7" have entirely different histories.

7 changed files with 2 additions and 597 deletions

View File

@ -1,216 +0,0 @@
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View File

@ -1,143 +1,3 @@
# Goff Film Scanner Software
# goff
Goff is software application to work with the Nikon Coolscan line of scanners,
specifically (Coolscan IV LS-40ED, Coolscan LS-4000 ED, Coolscan LS-5000 ED /
Coolscan LS-50 ED, Coolscan LS-8000 ED, Coolscan LS-9000 ED). Its sole purpose
is to be a modern equivalent of the now discontinued NikonScan software.
The primary plan for now is to be feature complete with NikonScan, with emphasis
on taking advantage of modern hardware capabilities to improve speed, and better
user experience compared to the OG NikonScan.
## Guarantees
This application guarantees the following:
- x86-64 architecture support
- Support for Windows 10 and above.
- Complete support for the following Coolscan scanners:
- Coolscan IV LS-40ED
- Coolscan LS-4000 ED
- Coolscan LS-5000 ED / Coolscan LS-50 ED
- Coolscan LS-8000 ED
- Coolscan LS-9000 ED
## Status
Goff is currently in the Pre-Alpha stage, meaning things it is not anywhere near
a useable product and things are expected to break and change without any notice.
## Development Setup Instructions
**Note: Only x64 Windows development is supported.**
### 1. Installing the Required Tools (MSVC & Windows SDK)
In order to work with the codebase, you'll need the [Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools
v15 (2017) or later](, for both
the Windows SDK and the MSVC compiler and linker.
If the Windows SDK is installed (e.g. via installation of the Microsoft C/C++
Build Tools). At this time, support for other compilers like clang is not
### 2. Build Environment Setup
Building the codebase can be done in a terminal which is equipped with the
ability to call MSVC from command line.
This is generally done by calling `vcvarsall.bat x64`, which is included in the
Microsoft C/C++ Build Tools. This script is automatically called by the `x64
Native Tools Command Prompt for VS <year>` variant of the vanilla `cmd.exe`. If
you've installed the build tools, this command prompt may be easily located by
searching for `Native` from the Windows Start Menu search. Alternatively you
could run the following command in your preferred console emulator on windows
"C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual Studio\<year>\Community\VC\Auxiliary\Build\vcvars64.bat"
You can ensure that the MSVC compiler is accessible from your command line by
If everything is set up correctly, you should have output very similar to the
Microsoft (R) C/C++ Optimizing Compiler Version 19.40.33811 for x64
Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation. All rights reserved.
usage: cl [ option... ] filename... [ /link linkoption... ]
### 3. Building
Within this terminal, `cd` to the root directory of the codebase, and just run
the `build.bat` script:
You should see the following output:
[debug mode]
[msvc compile]
[default mode, assuming `goff` build]
If everything worked as it should, the executable will be in the `run_tree` folder
in the root of the codebase, and it will contain a freshly-builth `Goff Scan.exe`
## Top-Level Directory Descriptions
- `run_tree`: This directory contains everything that is needed for a debug build
of the application to run.
- `run_tree/data` Contains small binary files (i.e. .rc files, logo, fonts, etc)
used when building, to embed or package with the application.
- `src`: All the source code.
## Codebase Introduction
The codebase is organized into *layers*. Layers are separated either to isolate
certain problems, and to allow inclusion into various builds without needing to
pull everything in the codebase into a build. Layers correspond with folders
inside of the `src` directory. Sometimes, one folder inside of the `src`
directory will include multiple sub-layers, but the structure is intended to be
fairly flat.
Layers correspond roughly 1-to-1 with *namespaces*. The term "namespaces" in
this context does not refer to specific namespace language features, but rather
a naming convention for C-style namespaces, which are written in the codebase as
a short prefix, usually 1-3 characters, followed by an underscore. These
namespaces are used such that the layer to which certain code belongs may be
quickly understood by glancing at code. The namespaces are generally quite short
to ensure that they aren't much of a hassle to write. Sometimes, multiple sub-
layers will share a namespace. A few layers do not have a namespace, but most
do. Namespaces are either all-caps or lowercase depending on the context in
which they're used. For structs, enum values, and some macros, they are
capitalized. For functions and global variables, they are lowercase.
Layers depend on other layers, but circular dependencies would break the
separability and isolation utility of layers (in effect, forming one big layer),
so in other words, layers are arranged into a directed acyclic graph.
A list of layers in the codebase and their associated namespaces are below:
- `base` (no namespace): Universal, codebase-wide constructs. It contains
strings, math, memory allocators, threading, and logging.
It depends on no other codebase layers.
- `es/core` (`ES_`): Short for Engine Subsystem. Implements the
- `es/gfx` (`ES_`): Engine Subsystem graphical frontend. Builds on top of
`es/core` to provide graphical features such as windows, panels, and all
interfaces needed for using the scanner. It is the main user of `os/gfx`.
- `os/core` (`OS_`): An abstraction layer that provides core, non-graphical
functionality from the operating sytem under a general use abstraction API.
This is implemented per supported operating system.
- `os/gfx` (`OS_`): This layer builds on top of `os/core`, it provides
graphical operating functionalities under a general use abstraction API.
- `ui` (`UI_`): For building graphical user interfaces. Provides a core
immediate mode hierarchical user interface data structure building API, and
has helper layers for building higher level widgets.
Software driver for Nikon Coolscan Scanners

View File

@ -1,74 +0,0 @@
@echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
:: --- Unpack Arguments ---------------------------------------------------------------
for %%a in (%*) do set "%%a=1"
if not "%msvc%"=="1" if not "%clang%"=="1" set msvc=1
if not "%release%"=="1" set debug=1
if "%debug%"=="1" set release=0 && echo [debug mode]
if "%release%"=="1" set debug=0 && echo [release mode]
if "%msvc%"=="1" set clang=0 && echo [msvc compile]
if "%clang%"=="1" set msvc=0 && echo [clang compile]
if "%~1"=="" echo [default mode, assuming `goff` build] && set goff=1
:: --- Compile/Link Line Definitions -------------------------------------------------
set cl_common= /I..\src\ /nologo /FC /Z7
set cl_out= /out:
rem Add back resource.res to cl_link
set cl_link= /link /MANIFEST:EMBED /INCREMENTAL:NO resource.res
set cl_debug= call cl /Od /DBUILD_DEBUG=1 %cl_common%
set cl_release= call cl /O2 /DBUILD_DEBUG=0 %cl_common%
set clang_common=
set clang_out= -o
set clang_link=
set clang_debug= call cl -g -O0 -DBUILD_DEBUG=1 %clang_common%
set clang_release= call cl -g -O2 -DBUILD_DEBUG=0 %clang_common%
:: --- Per-Build Settings ----------------------------------------------------
:: set link_dll=-DLL
if "%msvc%"=="1" set only_compile=/c
if "%msvc%"=="1" set EHsc=/EHsc
if "%msvc%"=="1" set rc=rc.exe
if "%clang%"=="1" set EHsc=
if "%clang%"=="1" set only_compile=-c
if "%clang%"=="1" set rc=llvm-rc.exe
:: --- Choose Compile/Link Lines ---------------------------------------------
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_debug=%cl_debug%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_release=%cl_release%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_link=%cl_link%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set out=%cl_out%
if "%debug%"=="1" set compile=%compile_debug%
if "%release%"=="1" set compile=%compile_release%
:: --- Get Current Git Commit Id ----------------------------------------------
for /f %%i in ('call git describe --always --dirty') do set compile=%compile% -DBUILD_GIT_HASH=\"%%i\"
:: --- Prep Directory --------------------------------------------------------
if not exist run_tree (
mkdir run_tree
echo "[WARNING] creating run_tree, data files may not exist."
:: --- Produce Logo Icon File ------------------------------------------------
pushd run_tree
%rc% /nologo /fo resource.res data\resource.rc || exit /b 1
:: --- Build Everything (@build_targets) -------------------------------------
pushd run_tree
if "%goff%"=="1" %compile% %gfx% ..\src\goff\goff_main.c %compile_link% %out%"Goff Scan.exe" || exit /b 1
:: --- Unset -----------------------------------------------------------------
for %%a in (%*) do set "%%a=0"
set goff=
set compile=
set compile_link=
set out=
set msvc=
set debug=

View File

@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
#if defined(_MSC_VER)
#if defined(_WIN32)
#define OS_WINDOWS 1
#error Compiler/OS combination is not supported.
#if defined(_M_AMD64)
#define ARCH_X64 1
#elif defined(_M_IX86)
#define ARCH_x86 1
#error Architecture not supported.
// Architecture Context
#if defined(ARCH_X64)
#define ARCH_64BIT 1
#elif defined(ARCH_X86)
#define ARCH_32BIT 1
#if ARCH_X64 || ARCH_X86
#error Endianess of this architecture is not supported.
// Language Context
#if defined(__cplusplus)
#define LANG_CPP 1
#define LANG_C 1
//~ tijani: Build Options
#if !defined(BUILD_DEBUG)
#define BUILD_DEBUG 1
#if defined(BUILD_GIT_HASH)
#if !defined(BUILD_TITLE)
#define BUILD_TITLE "Untitled"
//~ tijani: Zero Undefined Options
#if !defined(COMPILER_MSVC)
#if !defined(OS_WINDOWS)
#define OS_WINDOWS 0
#if !defined(ARCH_X64)
#define ARCH_X64 0
#if !defined(ARCH_X86)
#define ARCH_X86 0
#if !defined(ARCH_32BIT)
#define ARCH_32BIT 0
#if !defined(ARCH_64BIT)
#define ARCH_64BIT 0
#if !defined(LANG_CPP)
#define LANG_CPP 0
#if !defined(LANG_C)
#define LANG_C 0

View File

@ -1,29 +0,0 @@
#ifndef BASE_CORE_H
#define BASE_CORE_H
#define global static
#define local static
#define internal static
// Base Types
typedef uint8_t u8;
typedef uint16_t u16;
typedef uint32_t u32;
typedef uint64_t u64;
typedef int8_t s8;
typedef int16_t s16;
typedef int32_t s32;
typedef int64_t s64;
typedef s8 b8;
typedef s16 b16;
typedef s32 b32;
typedef s64 b64;
typedef float f32;
typedef double f64;
#endif // BASE_CORE_H

View File

@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
// clang-format off
#include "base_core.c"
#include "base_arena.c"
// clang-format on

View File

@ -1,14 +0,0 @@
#ifndef BASE_INC_H
#define BASE_INC_H
// clang-format off
#include "base_context_switching.h"
#include "base_core.h"
#include "base_arena.h"
// clang-format on
#endif // BASE_INC_H