2024-08-28 19:31:35 -05:00

348 lines
8.2 KiB

package evaluator
import (
func TestEvalIntegerExpression(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected int64
{"5", 5},
{"10", 10},
{"-10", -10},
{"-5", -5},
{"5 + 5 + 5 + 5 - 10", 10},
{"2 * 2 * 2 * 2 * 2", 32},
{"-50 + 100 + -50", 0},
{"5 * 2 + 10", 20},
{"5 + 2 * 10", 25},
{"20 + 2 * -10", 0},
{"50 / 2 * 2 + 10", 60},
{"2 * (5 + 10)", 30},
{"3 * 3 * 3 + 10", 37},
{"3 * (3 * 3) + 10", 37},
{"(5 + 10 * 2 + 15 / 3) * 2 + -10", 50},
{"8 * (4 + 32 - (64 / 2) + 5) / (100 / 2 + (25 - 10 + 15) * 18)", 0},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
test_integer_object(l_test, evaluated, tt.expected)
func TestErrorHandling(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected_message string
{"5 + true;", "type mismatch: INTEGER + BOOLEAN"},
{"5 + true; 5;", "type mismatch: INTEGER + BOOLEAN"},
{"-true;", "unknown operator: -BOOLEAN"},
{"true + false;", "unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN"},
{"5; true + false; 5", "unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN"},
{"if (10 > 1) {true + false; }", "unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN"},
if (10 > 1){
if (10 > 1){
return true + false;
return 1;
`, "unknown operator: BOOLEAN + BOOLEAN"},
{"foobar", "identifier not found: foobar"},
`"Hello" - "World"`,
"unknown operator: STRING - STRING",
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
error_object, ok := evaluated.(*object.Error)
if !ok {
l_test.Errorf("no error object returned, got=%T(%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if error_object.Message != tt.expected_message {
l_test.Errorf("wrong error message, expected=%q, got=%q", tt.expected_message, error_object.Message)
func TestEvalBooleanExpression(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected bool
{"true", true},
{"false", false},
{"1 < 2", true},
{"1 > 2", false},
{"1 < 1", false},
{"1 > 1", false},
{"1 == 1", true},
{"1 != 1", false},
{"1 == 2", false},
{"1 != 2", true},
{"true == true", true},
{"false == false", true},
{"true == false", false},
{"true != false", true},
{"false != true", true},
{"(1 < 2) == true", true},
{"(1 < 2) == false", false},
{"(1 > 2) == true", false},
{"(1 > 2) == false", true},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
test_boolean_object(l_test, evaluated, tt.expected)
// Test to convert the '!' operator to boolean value and negate it
func TestBangOperator(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected bool
{"!true", false},
{"!false", true},
{"!5", false},
{"!!true", true},
{"!!false", false},
{"!!5", true},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
test_boolean_object(l_test, evaluated, tt.expected)
func TestIfElseExpressions(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
{"if (true) { 10 }", 10},
{"if (false) { 10 }", nil},
{"if (1) { 10 }", 10},
{"if (1 < 2) { 10 }", 10},
{"if (1 > 2) { 10 }", nil},
{"if (1 > 2) { 10 } else {20}", 20},
{"if (1 < 2) { 10 } else {20}", 10},
{"if(10 > 1){if(10 > 1){ return 10;} return 1;}", 10},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
integer, ok := tt.expected.(int)
if ok {
test_integer_object(l_test, evaluated, int64(integer))
} else {
test_null_object(l_test, evaluated)
func TestReturnStatements(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected int64
{"return 10;", 10},
{"return 10; 9;", 10},
{"return 2 * 5; 9;", 10},
{"9; return 2 * 5; 9;", 10},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
test_integer_object(l_test, evaluated, tt.expected)
func TestLetStatements(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected int64
{"let a = 5; a;", 5},
{"let a = 5 * 5; a;", 25},
{"let a = 5; let b = a; b", 5},
{"let a = 5; let b = a; let c = a + b + 5; c;", 15},
for _, tt := range tests {
test_integer_object(l_test, test_eval(tt.input), tt.expected)
func TestFunctionObject(l_test *testing.T) {
input := "fn(x) { x + 2;};"
evaluated := test_eval(input)
fn, ok := evaluated.(*object.Function)
if !ok {
l_test.Fatalf("object is not Function, got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if len(fn.Parameters) != 1 {
l_test.Fatalf("function has wrong parameters, Parameters=%+v", fn.Parameters)
if fn.Parameters[0].String() != "x" {
l_test.Fatalf("parameter is not 'x', got=%q", fn.Parameters[0])
expected_body := "(x + 2)"
if fn.Body.String() != expected_body {
l_test.Fatalf("body is not %q, got=%q", expected_body, fn.Body.String())
func TestFunctionApplication(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected int64
{"let identity = fn(x) { x; }; identity(5);", 5},
{"let identity = fn(x) { return x; }; identity(5);", 5},
{"let double = fn(x) { x * 2; }; double(5);", 10},
{"let add = fn(x, y) { x + y; }; add(5, 5);", 10},
{"let add = fn(x, y) { x + y; }; add(5 + 5, add(5, 5));", 20},
{"fn(x) { x; }(5)", 5},
for _, tt := range tests {
test_integer_object(l_test, test_eval(tt.input), tt.expected)
func TestClosures(l_test *testing.T) {
input := `
let newAdder = fn(x) {
fn(y) { x + y };
let addTwo = newAdder(2);
test_integer_object(l_test, test_eval(input), 4)
func TestStringLiteral(l_test *testing.T) {
input := `"Hello World!";`
evaluated := test_eval(input)
string, ok := evaluated.(*object.String)
if !ok {
l_test.Fatalf("object is not String, got =%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if string.Value != "Hello World!" {
l_test.Errorf("String has wrong value, got=%q", string.Value)
func TestStringConcatenation(l_test *testing.T) {
input := `"Hello" + " " + "World!"`
evaluated := test_eval(input)
string, ok := evaluated.(*object.String)
if !ok {
l_test.Fatalf("object is not String. got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if string.Value != "Hello World!" {
l_test.Errorf("String has wrong value. got=%q", string.Value)
func TestBuiltinFunction(l_test *testing.T) {
tests := []struct {
input string
expected interface{}
{`len("")`, 0},
{`len("four")`, 4},
{`len("hello world")`, 11},
{`len(1)`, "argument to `len` not supported, got INTEGER"},
{`len("one", "two")`, "wrong number of arguments, got=2, want=1"},
for _, tt := range tests {
evaluated := test_eval(tt.input)
switch expected := tt.expected.(type) {
case int:
test_integer_object(l_test, evaluated, int64(expected))
case string:
error_object, ok := evaluated.(*object.Error)
if !ok {
l_test.Errorf("object is not Error, got=%T (%+v)", evaluated, evaluated)
if error_object.Message != expected {
l_test.Errorf("wrong error message, expected=%q, got=%q", expected, error_object.Message)
// Helpers
func test_eval(input string) object.Object {
l_lexer := lexer.New(input)
l_parser := parser.New(l_lexer)
program := l_parser.ParseProgram()
env := object.NewEnvironment()
return Eval(program, env)
func test_integer_object(l_test *testing.T, l_object object.Object, expected int64) bool {
result, ok := l_object.(*object.Integer)
if !ok {
l_test.Errorf("object is not integer, got=%T (%+v)", l_object, l_object)
return false
if result.Value != expected {
l_test.Errorf("object has wrong value, got=%d, want=%d", result.Value, expected)
return false
return true
func test_boolean_object(l_test *testing.T, l_object object.Object, expected bool) bool {
result, ok := l_object.(*object.Boolean)
if !ok {
l_test.Errorf("object is not Boolean, got=%T (%+v)", l_object, l_object)
return false
if result.Value != expected {
l_test.Errorf("object has wrong value, got=%T, want=%t", result.Value, expected)
return false
return true
func test_null_object(l_test *testing.T, object object.Object) bool {
if object != NULL {
l_test.Errorf("object is not NULL, got=%T (%+v)", object, object)
return false
return true