
125 lines
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@echo off
cd /D "%~dp0"
:: -- Useage Notes (July 25th, 2024) ----------------------------------------------------------
:: This is a central build script for use in a windows development environment with support
:: for msvc(default) and clang, specifically for C/C++ projects. It takes simple alphanumeric
:: arguments which controls (1) what compiler & linker is used, (2) what mode the the
:: application is built in.
:: By default if no options are passed, everything is built in debug mode with the MSVC
:: compiler
:: Possible ways to use:
:: `build debug`
:: `build debug msvc`
:: `build release clang`
:: `build debug tracy`
:: Unpack Arguments
for %%a in (%*) do set "%%a=1"
if not "%msvc%"=="1" set msvc=1
if not "%release%"=="1" set debug=1
if "%debug%"=="1" set release=0 && echo [debug mode]
if "%release%"=="1" set debug=0 && echo [release mode]
if "%msvc%"=="1" set clang=0 && echo [msvc compile]
if "%clang%"=="1" set msvc=0 && echo [clang compile]
:: Fix
if "%~1"=="" echo [default mode] && set ragar=1
if "%~1"=="release" if "%~2"=="" echo [default release mode] && set ragar=1
:: Unpack Command Line Build arguments
set auto_compile_flags=
if "%tracy%"=="1" set auto_compile_flags=%auto_compile_flags% /DTRACY_ENABLE && echo [tracy profiling enabled]
:: Third Party libraries
set third_party_includes="%~dp0\src\\third_party\\SDL2\\include"
set third_party_lib="%~dp0\src\\third_party\\SDL2\\lib\\x64"
set cl_common= /I..\src\ /nologo /FC /Z7 /I%third_party_includes%
set cl_debug= call cl /Od /Ob1 /DBUILD_DEBUG=1 %cl_common%
set cl_release= call cl /O2 /DBUILD_DEBUG=0 %cl_common%
set cl_link= /link /INCREMENTAL:NO resource.res /LIBPATH:%third_party_lib% SDL2.lib SDL2main.lib shell32.lib
set cl_out= /out:
:: Clang NOTE(tijani): Coming soon
:: Per-Build Setting
:: --- Per-Build Settings -----------------------------------------------------
set link_dll=-DLL
if "%msvc%"=="1" set only_compile=/c
if "%msvc%"=="1" set EHsc=/EHsc
if "%msvc%"=="1" set no_aslr=/DYNAMICBASE:NO
if "%msvc%"=="1" set rc=call rc
:: Clang
if "%clang%"=="1" set only_compile=-c
if "%clang%"=="1" set EHsc=
if "%clang%"=="1" set no_aslr=-Wl,/DYNAMICBASE:NO
if "%clang%"=="1" set rc=call llvm-rc
:: --- Choose Compile/Link Lines ----------------------------------------------
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_debug=%cl_debug%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_release=%cl_release%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set compile_link=%cl_link%
if "%msvc%"=="1" set out=%cl_out%
rem if "%clang%"=="1" set compile_debug=%clang_debug%
rem if "%clang%"=="1" set compile_release=%clang_release%
rem if "%clang%"=="1" set compile_link=%clang_link%
rem if "%clang%"=="1" set out=%clang_out%
if "%debug%"=="1" set compile=%compile_debug%
if "%release%"=="1" set compile=%compile_release%
:: Prep Directory
if not exist run_tree (
mkdir run_tree
echo "[WARNING] creating run_tree, data files may not exist."
:: Process rc Files
pushd run_tree
%rc% /nologo /fo resource.res data\resource.rc || exit /b 1
:: Get Current SVN/Git Commit ID
:: SVN
for /f "tokens=2 delims==" %%i in ('svn info --show-item revision') do set compile=%compile% -DBUILD_SVN_REVISION=\"%%i\"
:: Git
:: for /f %%i in ('call git describe --always --dirty') do set compile=%compile% -DBUILD_GIT_HASH=\"%%i\"
:: Build
pushd run_tree
if "%ragar%"=="1" %compile% ..\src\ragar\ragar_main.c %compile_link% %out%ragar.exe /SUBSYSTEM:WINDOWS || exit /b 1
:: Unset
for %%a in (%*) do set "%%a=0"
set ragar=
set compile=
set compile_link=
set out=
set msvc=
set debug=
set release=
rem :: Warning
rem if "%didbuild%"=="" (
rem echo [WARNING] no valid build target specified; must use build target names as arguments to this script, like `build debug` or `build release`.
rem exit /b 1
rem )