# Release checklist When changing the version, run `build-scripts/update-version.sh X Y Z`, where `X Y Z` are the major version, minor version, and patch level. So `2 28 1` means "change the version to 2.28.1". This script does much of the mechanical work. ## New feature release * Update `WhatsNew.txt` * Bump version number to 2.EVEN.0: * `./build-scripts/update-version.sh 2 EVEN 0` * Do the release * Update the website file include/header.inc.php to reflect the new version ## New bugfix release * Check that no new API/ABI was added * If it was, do a new feature release (see above) instead * Bump version number from 2.Y.Z to 2.Y.(Z+1) (Y is even) * `./build-scripts/update-version.sh 2 Y Z+1` * Do the release * Update the website file include/header.inc.php to reflect the new version ## After a feature release * Create a branch like `release-2.24.x` * Bump version number to 2.ODD.0 for next development branch * `./build-scripts/update-version.sh 2 ODD 0` ## New development prerelease * Bump version number from 2.Y.Z to 2.Y.(Z+1) (Y is odd) * `./build-scripts/update-version.sh 2 Y Z+1` * Do the release